
The ggnet2 function is a visualization function to plot network objects as ggplot2 objects. It accepts any object that can be coerced to the network class, including adjacency or incidence matrices, edge lists, or one-mode igraph network objects.


R already provides many ways to plot static and dynamic networks, many of which are detailed in a beautiful tutorial by Katherine Ognyanova.

Furthermore, R can

  • control external network visualization libraries, using tools such as RNeo4j;
  • export network objects to external graph formats, using tools such as ndtv, networkD3 or rgexf; and
  • plot geographic networks, using spatial functions or the dedicated spnet package.

All of these tools, however, require to use a new graph syntax, either within or outside of R, in order to create new network objects with the appropriate properties for plotting.

Instead, for the many users who are familiar with the ggplot2 package, it might be interesting to use a syntax that comes close to its “grammar of graphics” to process and plot network data, in the same format as was used for network analysis.

This idea motivated the very first version of ggnet, by Moritz Marbach, and is also motivating the development of geom_net, a geom object for network data structured as data frames, by Sam Tyner and Heike Hofmann.

ggnet2 is an improved version of ggnet. Both functions are available from the GGally package or as standalone functions. ggnet2 brings several improvements that convey additional control over all plotting parameters.


ggnet2 is available through the GGally package:


Or it can also be installed from its standalone package:



The package dependencies of ggnet2 are, on the one hand, the network and sna packages for network manipulation, and the ggplot2 package for plot construction.


The ggplot2 package will also load the scales package, which is used internally by ggnet2.

Additionally, ggnet2 suggests the following packages:

  • If the RColorBrewer package is installed, ggnet2 will be able to use ColorBrewer palettes to color network nodes.
  • If the intergraph package is installed, ggnet2 will be able to process one-mode networks objects created with the igraph package.

All packages cited above can be installed from CRAN through install.packages.


In this vignette, “nodes” designate the vertices of a network, and “edges” designate its ties. Readers who are not familiar with network terminology might want to consult a handbook such as Networks. An Introduction, by Mark Newman.


Most of this vignette is organized around two simple network examples:

  • node-level plotting parameters are demonstrated on a one-mode network, and
  • edge-level plotting parameters are demonstrated on a two-mode (bipartite) network.

The vignette also contains a section that illustrates some additional capabilities of ggnet2, and another section showing two additional examples of real-world networks plotted with ggnet2. It closes on known limitations of ggnet2.

Example (1): Random graph

Let’s start with an undirected Bernoulli random graph, with 10 nodes named “a, b, …, i, j”, and a rather high likelihood of an edge to exist between them:

# random graph
net = rgraph(10, mode = "graph", tprob = 0.5)
net = network(net, directed = FALSE)

# vertex names
network.vertex.names(net) = letters[1:10]

This graph can be visualized with ggnet2 without any further work:


The net argument is the only compulsory argument of ggnet2. It can be a network object or any object that can be coerced to that class through its edgeset.constructors functions, such as adjacency matrixes, incidence matrixes and edge lists.

If the intergraph package is installed, net can also be an igraph one-mode network object, which is the only type of network that the package can convert from the igraph to the network class.

Node color and size

The most basic properties that one might want to change at that stage are the size and color of the nodes, or the size and color of the edges. Let’s modify each of these properties:

ggnet2(net, node.size = 6, node.color = "black", edge.size = 1, edge.color = "grey")

The vertex-related arguments of ggnet2 start with node, and its edge-related arguments start with edge. The node.color and node.size arguments can be abbreviated:

ggnet2(net, size = 6, color = "black", edge.size = 1, edge.color = "grey")

It also possible to pass a vector of node colors directly to ggnet2, as long as it has the same number of elements as the network has nodes:

ggnet2(net, size = 6, color = rep(c("tomato", "steelblue"), 5))

The color, shape, size and transparency of nodes can all be set through these basic methods, or by passing a vertex attribute to them. Let’s first see how to position the nodes.

Node placement

By default, ggnet2 places nodes with the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm. Just like the function of the network package, it supports all node placement algorithms provided by the sna package, such as these:

ggnet2(net, mode = "circle")
ggnet2(net, mode = "kamadakawai")

See the documentation of the gplot.layout function for the list of placement algorithms. ggnet2 also supports passing options to the algorithm through the layout.par argument:

ggnet2(net, mode = "fruchtermanreingold", layout.par = list(cell.jitter = 0.75))
ggnet2(net, mode = "target", layout.par = list(niter = 100))

Node colors

Let’s now assign a vertex attribute called phono, which indicates whether the name of the vertex is a vowel or a consonant:

net %v% "phono" = ifelse(letters[1:10] %in% c("a", "e", "i"), "vowel", "consonant")

This attribute can be passed to ggnet2 to indicate that the nodes belong to a group. All the user has to do is to pass the name of the vertex attribute to the color argument, which will find it in the list of vertex attributes and use it to map the colors of the nodes:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono")

By default, ggnet2 assigns a grayscale color to each group. To modify this behavior, let’s review three different options. The first one consists in “hard-coding” the colors into the graph by assigning them to a vertex attribute, and then in passing this attribute to ggnet2:

net %v% "color" = ifelse(net %v% "phono" == "vowel", "steelblue", "tomato")
ggnet2(net, color = "color")

Other options are to pass the color legend as a named vector through the palette argument, just like ggplot2 allows through the values argument of the scale_color_manual controller, or to generate the color vector “on the fly”, directly in the function call:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", palette = c("vowel" = "steelblue", "consonant" = "tomato"))
ggnet2(net, color = ifelse(net %v% "phono" == "vowel", "steelblue", "tomato"))

A final option is to use pre-defined color palettes. If the RColorBrewer package is installed and palette refers to the name of any ColorBrewer palette, ggnet2 will try to use it to color the nodes, or will return an error if there are not enough colors in the palette:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", palette = "Set2")

Node sizes

It is common to size the nodes of a network by their centrality or by some other indicator of interest. Just like its color argument, the size argument of ggnet2 can take a single numeric value, a vector of values, or a vertex attribute:

ggnet2(net, size = "phono")

In similar fashion to how the color argument works, the actual size of the nodes can be styled by a ‘palette’ argument, called size.palette. This allows to create nodes of highly unequal sizes that will be more visually distinguishable:

ggnet2(net, size = "phono", size.palette = c("vowel" = 10, "consonant" = 1))

When the size attribute is not a single numeric value, the maximum size of the nodes is determined by the max_size argument, just like in the scale_size_area controller of ggplot2, which ggnet2 emulates to compute the relative size of the nodes:

ggnet2(net, size = sample(0:2, 10, replace = TRUE), max_size = 9)

ggnet2 can also size nodes by calculating their in-degree, out-degree, or total (Freeman) degree, using the degree function of the sna package. All the user has to do is to pass the indegree, outdegree, or freeman option to the weight argument (degree is also understood, and is equivalent to freeman):

ggnet2(net, size = "degree")

ggnet2 gives the user further control over the node size by providing a quick way to cut the node sizes into quantiles, using the size.cut argument. If set to TRUE, it defaults to quartiles, but any numeric value above 1 is acceptable:

ggnet2(net, size = "degree", size.cut = 3)

In the example above, ggnet2 calculated the total degree of the nodes, and then cut them into tertiles. If there are not enough distinct values to create the number of quantiles passed to size.cut, ggnet2 will use the closest possible number.

When size contains numeric values, ggnet2 can subset the graph based on these, which is useful when plotting large networks. The arguments size.min and size.max achieve this functionality, and let the user know how many nodes they removed:

# remove any isolated nodes
x = ggnet2(net, size = "degree", size.min = 1)
## size.min removed 0 nodes out of 10
# remove all nodes
x = ggnet2(net, size = "degree", size.max = 1)
## size.max removed 10 nodes out of 10
## Warning in ggnet2(net, size = "degree", size.max = 1): size.max removed all
## nodes; nothing left to plot

Last, the argument controls whether ggnet2 should accept to plot zero-sized nodes. The argument is FALSE by default, which ensures that every node gets plotted as a visible shape. Set it to TRUE if you want zero-sized nodes in the plot:

ggnet2(net, size = sample(0:2, 10, replace = TRUE), = TRUE)

Node legends

The alpha, color, shape and size arguments of ggnet2 produce ggplot2 legends that are named after the vertex attributes that they carry. These names can be changed with the alpha.legend, color.legend, shape.legend and size.legend arguments:

ggnet2(net, alpha = "phono", alpha.legend = "Phonetics")
ggnet2(net, shape = "phono", shape.legend = "Phonetics")
ggnet2(net, color = "phono", color.legend = "Phonetics")
ggnet2(net, size = "degree", size.legend = "Centrality")

Another option is to remove these legends completely, as ggplot2 allows to do:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", size = "degree") +
  guides(color = FALSE, size = FALSE)

A final option is to replace these legends with any compatible ggplot2 scale. Due to how ggnet2 works internally, additional legends have to be discrete_scale controllers, even when the scale applies to the size of the nodes:

# control the colors of the nodes
ggnet2(net, color = "phono") +
  scale_color_brewer("", palette = "Set1",
                     labels = c("consonant" = "C", "vowel" = "V"),
                     guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 6)))

# control the size of the nodes
ggnet2(net, size = "degree") +
  scale_size_discrete("", range = c(5, 10), breaks = seq(10, 2, -2))

The legends can be futher styled by modifying the theme of the plot, or by using the shorthands built into ggnet2. The legend.text argument controls the size of the legends symbols, text labels and title, and the legend.position argument controls its placement:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", legend.size = 12, legend.position = "bottom") +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(color = "grey"))

Node labels

Through the label argument, ggnet2 can label the nodes of a network by using their vertex names, another vertex attribute, or any other vector of labels:

ggnet2(net, label = TRUE)
ggnet2(net, label = "phono")
ggnet2(net, label = 1:10)

If label is a vector of values that does not contain exactly as many elements as the number of nodes in the graph, ggnet2 will label the nodes that match one of these values:

ggnet2(net, label = c("a", "e", "i"), color = "phono", label.color = "black")

The size of the labels, which is automatically set to half of the node size, is controlled by the label.size argument, their color by the label.color argument, and their level of transparency by the label.alpha argument:

ggnet2(net, size = 12, label = TRUE, label.size = 5)

ggnet2(net, size = 12, label = TRUE, color = "black", label.color = "white")

ggnet2(net, label = TRUE, label.alpha = 0.75)

Just like many of the other arguments in ggnet2, the label.alpha, label.color and label.size arguments also accept vectors of values, or the name of a vertex attribute. The example below also shows how to use a dark background with ggnet2:

ggnet2(net, color = "grey15", size = 12, label = TRUE, label.color = "color") +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "grey15"))

Node shapes and transparency

The shapes and transparency of the nodes can be set exactly like the color and size of the nodes, either through a single value, a vector of (numeric) values, or a vertex attribute. This allows to create nodes that can be distinguished even in the plot loses its colors:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", shape = 15)

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", shape = "phono")
## Warning in guide_merge.legend(init, x[[i]]): Duplicated override.aes is
## ignored.

Note: the second example above will return a warning about a duplicated plotting parameter. This is an innocuous warning that is produced by mapping two characteristics of the nodes to the same vertex attribute. It cannot be avoided without modifying ggplot2.

Again, just like color and size, the alpha and shape arguments can take manual ‘palettes’ of values through the alpha.palette and shape.palette arguments, which will bypass the default values assigned to these by ggplot2:

ggnet2(net, alpha = "phono", alpha.palette = c("vowel" = 0.2, "consonant" = 1))

ggnet2(net, shape = "phono", shape.palette = c("vowel" = 19, "consonant" = 15))

Although ggnet2 is flexible about node shapes and transparency, node shapes are difficult to distinguish when there are more than six different shapes in the plot, and setting the transparency of the nodes to anything too low will also create difficulties for the reader:

ggnet2(net, shape = sample(1:10))
ggnet2(net, alpha = "phono")

Example (2): Bipartite network

Note: the functionalities described in this section were inspired by a discussion over bipartite graphs with Pedro Jordano, who has written more advanced code to handle bipartite graphs with ggplot2.

ggnet2 automatically detects two-mode graphs from their bipartite network attribute. To simplify the plotting of each mode, it understands arguments of the form [alpha, color, shape, size] = "mode", which will mark the primary mode as "actor" and the secondary mode as "event".

Let’s illustrate this functionality through the same example as shown in the documentation of the network.bipartite function:

# weighted adjacency matrix
bip = data.frame(event1 = c(1, 2, 1, 0),
                 event2 = c(0, 0, 3, 0),
                 event3 = c(1, 1, 0, 4),
                 row.names = letters[1:4])

# weighted bipartite network
bip = network(bip,
              matrix.type = "bipartite",
              ignore.eval = FALSE,
              names.eval = "weights")

By default, ggnet2 will not do anything particular to the network, treating it as if it were a one-mode network object:

ggnet2(bip, label = TRUE)

To use the mode of the nodes as the basis for their colors, all the user has to do is to pass the color = "mode" argument, and then to style the "actor" and "event" values:

# set colors for each mode
col = c("actor" = "grey", "event" = "gold")

# detect and color the mode
ggnet2(bip, color = "mode", palette = col, label = TRUE)

Let’s use this network to show what ggnet2 can do to style edges in addition to nodes.

Edge labels

The edge.label argument accepts a character vector or an edge attribute, which will be plotted at midpoint between the nodes that are connected to each other. Let’s use this argument to show the edge weights included in the bipartite network example constructed above:

ggnet2(bip, color = "mode", palette = col, label = TRUE, edge.label = "weights")

The color and size of the labels can be controlled with edge.label.color and edge.label.size. The former argument defaults to label.color, the color used for the node labels, and the latter argument defaults to label.size, the size of the node labels.

ggnet2(bip, shape = "mode", edge.label = "weights", edge.label.color = "darkred")
ggnet2(bip, shape = "mode", edge.label = "weights", edge.label.size = 6)

Both edge.label.color and edge.label.size also accept edge attributes. The example below maps the color of the edge labels to the weight of the edges that they are attached to:

set.edge.attribute(bip, "color", ifelse(bip %e% "weights" > 1, "black", "grey75"))
ggnet2(bip, shape = "mode", edge.label = "weights", edge.label.color = "color")

By default, the edge.label argument will add a white background underneath the label, in order to avoid overplotting edges and edge labels. The color of that background, which is draw as a circle with geom_point, can be styled with edge.label.fill, or removed completely by setting edge.label.fill to NA.

ggnet2(bip, shape = "mode", edge.label = "weights", edge.label.fill = NA)

Edge size and color

At the very beginning of this vignette, we showed how to size the edges of the network using a single value. However, in the context of a weighted network, the edge weight information might also be used to size the edges proportionally by passing an edge attribute to edge.size:

ggnet2(bip, color = "mode", palette = col, edge.size = "weights")

The edge.size argument will also accept a vector of edge weights, as long as it contains as many values as there are edges in the network.

Similarly, the edge.color argument accepts either a single color value, or a vector of them, as long as it contains as many values as there are edges in the network. Because it also accepts an edge attribute, we can again map the color of the edge to one of its other properties:

set.edge.attribute(bip, "color", ifelse(bip %e% "weights" > 1, "black", "grey75"))
ggnet2(bip, color = "mode", palette = col, edge.size = "weights", edge.color = "color")

Edge linetype

Like edge.color and edge.size, edge.lty accepts a single linetype value, or an edge attribute, or a vector of edge linetypes, as long as it contains as many values as there are edges in the network:

set.edge.attribute(bip, "lty", ifelse(bip %e% "weights" > 1, 1, 2))
ggnet2(bip, color = "mode", palette = col, edge.size = "weights", edge.lty = "lty")

Additional options

Edge arrows

ggnet2 supports directed graphs, but has only minimal support for adding arrows for edges with the arrow.size, and arrow.type arguments.

The issue with edge arrows is that they will often get plotted below the nodes, as in this example, which tries to set 12-point edge arrows:

ggnet2(network(rgraph(10, tprob = 0.25), directed = TRUE), arrow.size = 12)

As a workaround, ggnet2 lets the user draw shorter edges, so that the arrows get plotted before the nodes, as in this example:

ggnet2(network(rgraph(10, tprob = 0.25), directed = TRUE),
       arrow.size = 12, = 0.025)

The argument more or less represents the fraction of the edge that will be removed. Setting it to a value close (but not equal) to 0, such as in the example above, should help to ‘unmask’ the edge arrows if they have been covered by the nodes.

The arrow.type argument determines the shape of the arrow. It should be set to either "closed" (the default), or "open".

Coloring edges from node attributes

Some network plotting software, such as the Sigma.js library, allow the user to color the edges of a graph in function of the nodes that they connect. This functionality is useful to detect edges between nodes that belong to a same group, as in commonly in graphs with strong group homophily.

ggnet2 supports this functionality by allowing the edge.color argument to take the c("color", "grey") value. The first value will tell ggnet2 to color edges between nodes of the same group with the color of that group. The second value is the color to use for edges that connect nodes belonging to different groups.

Using the same random graph as we used previously, let’s see which edges connect two vowels, and which connect two consonants:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", palette = "Set1", edge.color = c("color", "grey50"))

Removing nodes based on missing values

If a vertex attribute name is passed to the na.rm argument of ggnet2, all nodes for which this vertex attribute is missing (NA) will be discarded from the network before plotting. This argument can come in handy in some circumstances, one of which is illustrated below.

Using fixed placement coordinates

In the special case of temporal networks, it is often useful to plot the nodes at different points in time using the same placement coordinates, while showing some variation on another parameter. Let’s show how to do this with ggnet2, using a simple example of node activation over \(t = 3\) time intervals.

First, let’s define the placement coordinates of the full graph as two vertex attributes:

x = gplot.layout.fruchtermanreingold(net, NULL)
net %v% "x" = x[, 1]
net %v% "y" = x[, 2]

Next, let’s define three binary vertex attributes indicating node activation through time:

net %v% "t1" = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
net %v% "t2" = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
net %v% "t3" = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

Finally, let’s modify these attributes to indicate NA if the node is not yet activated:

net %v% "t1" = ifelse(net %v% "t1", 1, NA)
net %v% "t2" = ifelse(net %v% "t2", 1, NA)
net %v% "t3" = ifelse(net %v% "t3", 1, NA)

We can now create four ggnet2 plots, using each attribute in turn, setting na.rm to TRUE in order to remove nodes that are not yet activated from the graphs.

t1 = ggnet2(net, mode = c("x", "y"), size = 3, color = "black", na.rm = "t1")
## na.rm removed 6 nodes out of 10
t2 = ggnet2(net, mode = c("x", "y"), size = 3, color = "black", na.rm = "t2")
## na.rm removed 4 nodes out of 10
t3 = ggnet2(net, mode = c("x", "y"), size = 3, color = "black", na.rm = "t3")
## na.rm removed 0 nodes out of 10

When the mode argument is given two vertex attributes, it understands that these attributes contain the placement coordinates to use for plotting. As a result, all three plots will use the same coordinates for the nodes. We can then use the gridExtra package to show all plots next to each other:

# common plotting parameters
b = theme(panel.background = element_rect(color = "grey50"))
z = guides(color = FALSE)
y = scale_y_continuous(limits = range(x[, 2] * 1.1), breaks = NULL)
x = scale_x_continuous(limits = range(x[, 1] * 1.1), breaks = NULL)

# show each temporal network
gridExtra::grid.arrange(t1 + x + y + z + ggtitle("t = 1") + b,
                        t2 + x + y + z + ggtitle("t = 2") + b,
                        t3 + x + y + z + ggtitle("t = 3") + b,
                        nrow = 1)

Expanding the horizontal axis

When ggnet2 is used to plot a network with node labels, the labels close to the margins of the plot panel might get clipped. This issue can be handled by expanding the horizontal axis of the plot, using the layout.exp argument, as in this example:

# no horizontal expansion
ggnet2(net, label = rep("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 10))

# 50% horizontal expansion
ggnet2(net, label = rep("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 10), layout.exp = 0.5)

Hacking into internal values

ggnet2 returns a ggplot object, so the underlying data can be accessed by requesting the data component of the plot. The structure of that component always contains the following columns, which match the names of ggplot2 arguments:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", size = 1:10)$data
##    label alpha     color shape size          x           y
## 1      a     1     vowel    19    1 0.72733948 0.801917300
## 2      b     1 consonant    19    2 1.00000000 0.000000000
## 3      c     1 consonant    19    3 0.00000000 0.477380344
## 4      d     1 consonant    19    4 0.33617745 0.561012486
## 5      e     1     vowel    19    5 0.38256928 1.000000000
## 6      f     1 consonant    19    6 0.74000983 0.356993475
## 7      g     1 consonant    19    7 0.57451875 0.544126931
## 8      h     1 consonant    19    8 0.35733439 0.212397641
## 9      i     1     vowel    19    9 0.06115955 0.122907635
## 10     j     1 consonant    19   10 0.66993336 0.006924906

This means that you can append any ggplot2 component to the graph by passing additional aesthetics to it, which allows for a fair amount of “plot hacking”. In this example, we use ggnet2 to get the basic data structure in place, while sizing the nodes to 0. The nodes are then plotted manually, by overlaying several geom objects:

ggnet2(net, color = "phono", palette = "Set1", size = 0) +
  geom_point(aes(color = color), size = 12, color = "white") +
  geom_point(aes(color = color), size = 12, alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_point(aes(color = color), size = 9) +
  geom_text(aes(label = toupper(substr(color, 1, 1))), color = "white", fontface = "bold") +
  guides(color = FALSE)

Additional examples

Below are two additional examples to further illustrate how to use ggnet2 with real-life examples. More examples of networks in R format can be found at the UCI Network Data Repository.

Example (4): French MPs on Twitter

The development repository of ggnet2 contains a dataset of 339 French Members of Parliament (MPs), and the ties that they formed by following each other on Twitter. The data are from May 2013 and come in two files that index the edges and the nodes separately:

# root URL
r = ""

# read nodes
v = read.csv(paste0(r, "inst/extdata/nodes.tsv"), sep = "\t")

# read edges
e = read.csv(paste0(r, "inst/extdata/network.tsv"), sep = "\t")

The network is constructed by converting the edge list into a network object. The party affiliations of the MPs are then used to construct a manual color palette:

# network object
net = network(e, directed = TRUE)

# party affiliation
x = data.frame(Twitter = network.vertex.names(net))
x = merge(x, v, by = "Twitter", sort = FALSE)$Groupe
net %v% "party" = as.character(x)

# color palette
y = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[ c(3, 1, 9, 6, 8, 5, 2) ]
names(y) = levels(x)

# network plot
ggnet2(net, color = "party", palette = y, alpha = 0.75, size = 4, edge.alpha = 0.5)

Let’s further visualize the amount of party homophily by coloring edges between MPs who share the same partisan affiliation, and single out two MPs:

ggnet2(net, color = "party", palette = y, alpha = 0.75, size = 4, edge.alpha = 0.5,
       edge.color = c("color", "grey50"), label = c("BrunoLeRoux", "nk_m"), label.size = 4)

Known limitations

ggnet2 does not support all of the graph plotting options provided by the igraph and network packages, and there are a few things that it does not do at all. Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that ggnet2 does not handle:

If you find other limitations to ggnet2, please submit an issue about them, thanks!

Last printed on Oct 15, 2015, using ggnet version 0.1.0.